Informational Issuance: 2022-02
Issuance Number: 2022-02
Date: July 15, 2022
To: SDWP Subrecipients, Career Center Staff
From: Frank Pancucci, Director of Workforce Development
Subject: CalJOBS Outage Update - Late Data Entry Procedures
This informational issuance is to inform all subrecipients and staff that the CalJOBS website is now operational and implementation of temporary late data entry extensions.
On July 13th, EDD notified its customers that Geographic Solutions, Inc. (GSI), the vendor that operates the CalJOBS website, had resolved the CalJOBS system issue and the site is now operational. In response, EDD has implemented temporary updates to the system to ease data entry and Data Change Requests (DCR) volume:
Effective July 15, 2022, subrecipients and Career Center staff are required to adhere to the following guidelines regarding data entry:
Data that was entered into the Workforce Partnership provided tracking spreadsheets (Adult, DW, and Youth Activities sheets, OA form, IEP/ISS form, Title I Application form) during June 29, 2022 to July 13, 2022 must be entered into CalJOBS not later than July 31, 2022.
All 4th quarter data for PY 2021-22 must also be entered into CalJOBS not later than July 31, 2022.
The above mentioned spreadsheets will be used in place of DCR forms. All data entered after July 31, 2022 will resume the normal Data Entry Policy and Procedures outlined in the San Diego Workforce Partnership Operations Manuals.