Informational Issuance: 2022-01
Issuance Number: 2022-01
Date: July 8, 2022
To: SDWP Subrecipients, Career Center Staff
From: Frank Pancucci, Director of Workforce Development
Subject: CalJOBS Outage Update
This informational issuance is to inform all subrecipients and staff that the CalJOBS website is experiencing nationwide service interruption. The Employment Development Division (EDD) has not indicated a date of system return. The San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP) is releasing this guidance to ensure that participant services remain uninterrupted during the outage.
On June 29th, the EDD notified its customers that Geographic Solutions, Inc. (GSI), the vendor that operates the CalJOBS website, was experiencing a nationwide service interruption. California and dozens of other states were impacted. The EDD posted messages on its website and through social media to alert customers about the outage. In response, the EDD has temporarily waived the CalJOBS registration and resume upload requirement for unemployment insurance recipients and provided guidance regarding the use of temporary measures to continue services without interruption.
On June 30th, the Workforce Partnership informed its subrecipients that the 7-day late data entry policy was suspended due the CalJOBS system outage. This policy will provide guidance on data entry requirements moving forward.
Effective June 29, 2022, subrecipients are required to adhere to the following guidelines regarding data entry and documentation storage. The processes outlined below will continue indefinitely until the CalJOBS system is back online.
The Client Services team will continue to monitor the situation and will provide additional information and updates to this guidance as it becomes available.
Performance reports due on July 7th will be postponed until further notice due to CalJOBS outage. The following reports are still due on their regular reporting date:
- Quarterly Narrative Reports (WIOA Youth) – Due on or before July 11th
- Faces of Workforce submissions are due with the narrative
- Effectiveness in Serving Employers (WIOA Youth and Adult) – Due on or before July 15th
- Quarterly Narrative Report (HRCC only)–Due on or before July 18th : template emailed separately
Subrecipients and staff are required to continue to follow the policies and procedures regarding WIOA.
Title 1 Program Activities as outlined in SDWP Operations Manual: Chapter 4. Services must still be provided, at minimum, every 30 days. To ensure compliance and documentation of these services, tracking of these activities will be conducted in a shared document via the links below during the CalJOBS system outage. Any activities previously provided during the outage and prior to this issuance will need to be added to the spreadsheet without penalty. Services provided as of the date of this issuance will need to be entered into the spreadsheet within seven (7) calendar days. All WIOA Title 1 Program subrecipients including special grant funded programs are required to use the Workforce Partnership’s Adult and Dislocated Worker and/or Youth Activities and Follow Up Services Tracking Log. The network will share the password protected tracking log document that is accessible via the Partner Resources Page. The Workforce Partnership will provide the Subrecipients an assigned sheet and password to record all participant services. It is the responsibility of the subrecipient and staff to lock their assigned sheet after each use to prevent mistaken data entry by unauthorized staff. Staff should not include any medical information on the spreadsheet. A process guide is available on the tracking log as a separate sheet to help navigate staff through the usage of the spreadsheet. Find below a step by step and column explanation of the spreadsheet:
1. Adult and Dislocated Worker Activities and Follow Up
- Click the CalJOBS Outage link on the Partner Resources Page to access the “Adult, DW NDWG & NFJP Services Tracking 2022” spreadsheet.
- Locate contract number by year and use assigned password to record all Career, Training, and Follow Up Services.
- Enter participant name with their last 4 digits of their social security number. The CalJOBS WIOA Application Number will be required to be provided once CalJOBS is operational (Columns A, B, C).
- Select from the drop-down menu the CalJOBS Title 1 Form (Column D).
- Select from the drop-down menu the CalJOBS Activity Code to record the participant’s Career/Training Services (Column E, F).
- Select from the drop down the Customer Group to record service under the appropriate funding grant (Column G).
- Enter the Grant Number/Name to record service under the appropriate funding grant (Column H).
- Enter the Actual dates of the Begin/Projected/End Date for each provided service. If the service is still open, leave the Actual End Date (Column K) blank (Column I, J, K).
- Select from the drop-down the completion status of the service. If the service is still open, leave the Completion Status column blank (Column L).
- Enter the Subject line of the attached/stand-alone case note (Column M).
- Enter details of services in the case note column. DO NOT include PII or medical information. (Column N).
2. Youth Activities and Follow Up
- Click the CalJOBS Outage link on the Partner Resources Page to access “Youth Services Tracking 2022” spreadsheet.
- Locate contract number by year and use assigned password to record all Service Plan and Services including Follow Up.
- Enter participant name with their last 4 digits of their social security number. The CalJOBS WIOA Application Number will be required to be provided once CalJOBS is operational (Columns A, B, C).
- Select from the drop-down menu the CalJOBS Title 1 Form (Column D).
- Select from the drop-down menu the CalJOBS Activity Code to record the participant Services (Column E).
- Select from the drop down the Service Plan Activity to record update to the participant’s IEP/ISS Plan (Column F).
- Enter the Grant Number/Name to record service under the appropriate funding grant (Column H).
- Enter the Actual dates of the Begin/Projected/End Date for each provided service. If the service is still open, leave the Actual End Date (Column K) blank (Column I, J, K).
- Select from the drop-down the completion status of the service. If the service is still open, leave the Completion Status column blank (Column L).
- Enter the Subject line of the attached/stand-alone case note (Column M)
- Enter details of services in the case note column. DO NOT include PII or medical information (Column N).
Subrecipients will be responsible for entering participant program services listed on the tracking log into CalJOBS once the system becomes fully operational. The EDD will allow the Workforce Partnership to submit a Data Change Request (DCR) for all program activities that require backdating including data over 90 days that fall within the CalJOBS outage period. The tracking logs will be forwarded to the EDD to update the program service case file dates with the dates provided in columns I, J, and K once the application is completed in CalJOBS.
Subrecipients and staff are required to follow the policies and procedures regarding WIOA Eligibility and Enrollment as outlined in SDWP Operations Manual: Chapter 7. To ensure compliance and documentation of enrollment activities, the following items will be saved in Workforce eFile during the CalJOBS system outage:
3. WIOA Title I Application
- Conduct eligibility determination in Workforce eFile
- After the date of eligibility has been established, use Attachment “WIOA Title I Application Form” to complete the enrollment
- Enter all appropriate eligibility information into the WIOA Title I Application Form
- Temporarily save attachment on desktop – complete document immediately and upload per directions below and delete from desktop
- Select from drop down menu when prompted
- Select check boxes when prompted
- Click ‘Select dates’ when prompted
- Type in data as required
- Enter all appropriate eligibility information into the WIOA Title I Application Form
- Enter Title 1 Application Form and dates on the tracking spreadsheet under column D
4. Objective Assessment (OA)
- Use Attachment “Objective Assessment Form” to conduct the OA
- Enter all appropriate information into the Objective Assessment Form
- Temporarily save OA attachment on desktop – complete document immediately and upload per directions below and delete from desktopSelect dates when prompted ‘Click or tap to enter a date’
- Select check boxes when prompted
- Select from drop down menu when prompted ‘Choose an item.’
- Type in data as required
- Enter all appropriate information into the Objective Assessment Form
- Enter the activity code and dates on the tracking spreadsheet
- Adult and Dislocated Worker Program: column E
- Youth Program: column F
- Use Attachment “Individual Employment Plan Form” to conduct the IEP/ISS
- Temporarily save IEP/ISS attachment on desktop – complete document immediately and upload per directions below and delete from desktop
- Enter all appropriate information into the IEP/ISS Form
- Type in data as required
- Enter the activity code on the tracking spreadsheet
- Adult and Dislocated Worker Program: column E
- Youth Program: column F
- To upload the completed forms to the Workforce eFile DocuBin: Click add a document to upload the completed form
- Click yes to ‘contains medical or other forms of personal information” to save document in PII folder
- Upload from desktop the completed form
- Check yes to be sure document is being stored in PII folder
- Select from drop down menu the name of completed form
- WIOA Title 1 Application
- Objective Assessment Form
- Individual Employment Plan Form
- Select the listed option for naming the completed form
- Select from the table the name of the completed form as acceptable documentation
- Select type to see options below and select the type of documentation to save
- Select from the table the name of the completed form as acceptable documentation
- Select the name of the completed form to save the document in workforce eFile DocuBin
- When saved in eFile DocuBin, delete from desktop.
- NO forms may be saved on desktop except to upload to eFile DocuBin and then delete
If you have any questions regarding this issuance, please contact your Contract Administrator/Program Specialist. For technical questions regarding Workforce eFile documentation or the data tracking spreadsheet, please email and copy your Contract Administrator/Program Specialist.
- WIOA Title 1 Application Form
- Objective Assessment Form
- Individual Employment Plan Form
- To access this information, reference the “Operations Resources” section on, then select “Operations Manual”.
- Operations Resources
- Click on “Informational Issuances” to see the list of informational issuances by date
cc: SDWP Internal Distribution