Issuance Number: 2021-08

Date: August 13, 2021

To: Workforce Partnership WIOA Subrecipients

From: Shaina Gross, VP of Client Services

Subject: Dislocated Youth Worker Innovation Challenge Policy and Procedures


The Employment Development Department (EDD) issued the DYWIC grant to address the disconnection rate of young adults 18-24 who have become dislocated from work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant was specifically designed for youth in underserved communities to access services to regain employment using upskilling and training services. SDWP has specifically aligned our WIOA Youth programming to the DYWIC challenge grant to provide training funds for Track B and C enrollments. 

DYWIC Eligibility 

Eligible participants for this grant must be enrolled as both WIOA Youth and WIOA Dislocated Workers. They must meet each of the specific requirements outlined below: 

  1. Ages 18-24; AND 
  2. An out-of-school youth with one or more of the following employment barriers; AND 
    1. Homeless 
    2. Justice Involved 
    3. Foster Youth 
    4. English Language Learner 
    5. Immigrant or Refugee 
    6. Black Opportunity Youth 
    7. Youth with a Disability 
    8. Pregnant or Parenting Youth 
  3. A dislocated worker as defined as defined in WIOA Section 3(15) and SDWP’s Operations Manual, Chapter 7. Part 1, Section V, B. Dislocated Worker (Category 12: Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) eligibility)

Refer to Chapter 7. Part 1 & 2 WIOA Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Eligibility Policies and Procedures for guidance on eligibility for each. Please note: A dual-enrollment form is not required for DYWIC since there will only be one service provider. 

  1. Workforce eFile – DYWIC Eligibility

YSPs must conduct eligibility in Workforce eFile by utilizing the following process: 

  1. Create a “New Enrollment” record “DYWIC” 
    1. Conduct both Youth and Dislocated Worker Eligibility 
    2. Only one UPAF (Youth) and one MCRF (Youth) is required 
    3. Both the Dislocated Worker and Youth ECRFs are required 
      1. Applicant Statements are required for each ECRF, if applicable 

 If a participant is already enrolled in a WIOA program and would like to enroll in DYWIC, YSPs must conduct both WIOA Youth eligibility and WIOA Dislocated Worker eligibility as two enrollment records in eFile. 

DYWIC Enrollment Requirements 

Each YSP is required to enroll a minimum of 10 eligible participants in this grant by May 31, 2022, or 50 as a network, whichever comes first. More than 50 youth can be enrolled in DYWIC, pending funding availability. Enrollment and availability is first-come, first serve. Training expenditures must be invoiced by June 30, 2022. 

DYWIC Training Requirements 

Eligible youth must be either a Track B or C enrollment that is looking for training services. Youth are required to complete training by September 30, 2022. Training funds availability cannot exceed $4,500 per participant under DYWIC, regardless of the type of training program utilized (including ETPL). Additional funds can be leveraged from other sources (WIOA Youth, WIOA Dislocated Worker, financial aid, and/or non-WIOA funding) to cover any additional cost for training services. If it is determined that DYWIC funding is available beyond the cap, YSPs can request additional funds for an individual participant by emailing for approval. 

 CalJOBS Data Entry & Required Grant Activities 

          1. DYWIC CalJOBS Enrollment

Eligible dislocated youth must be enrolled into the DYWIC grant under grant code 1233 on the WIOA Title I Application in CalJOBS. If a participant is already enrolled as either a WIOA Youth or WIOA Dislocated Worker and is found eligible for DYWIC, the application must be updated with the grant code after eligibility is certified. 

2. Approved DYWIC Program Activities

Participants will be enrolled under the DYWIC grant as both a Youth and a Dislocated Worker, therefore the services provided must align with the expenditures of each grant. Youth will mostly be utilizing WIOA Youth program services, whereas they will be utilizing Dislocated Worker training services. The appropriate activities are as follows: 

WIOA Youth Activities WIOA Dislocated Worker
412 Objective Assessment 

300 Occupational Training (ETPL – ITA) 

413 ISS 

301 On-the-Job Training (OJT) 

4xx Basic and Essential Skills Trainings (BEST) 

304 Customized Training (CT) 

4xx Stipends 

325 Apprenticeship Training (ETPL – ATA) 

419 Incentive Payments 

330 Local Board Determination Training (CET) 

480-493 Supportive Services 


4xx All other program activities 


All attached activity code case notes for both Youth and Dislocated Worker services must link to the ISS. Funding sources must be cited, when required by the specific activity. 

3. Training Programs

YSPs must utilize the Partner Portal for a list of available training programs and/or develop specific trainings for their participants by following the policies cited below. 

      • ITAs and ATAs must be approved through the ETPL. If you would like to add a program to the ETPL from an approved provider for a youth participant, reach out to 
      • CETs require a minimum of 5 participants in a cohort. YSPs should work with the Career Center to develop CETs based on participant demand or use the Portal to view open training opportunities. Reach out to the Training Coordinator,  
      • OJTs and CTs (if there is employer demand) should be developed by the BSRs in partnership with Xavier Martinez, 

4. Program Policy and Procedures 

Refer to Chapter 4, Part 1. Attachments for policy and procedures regarding the following training services: 

      • ETPL, ITA and ATA
      • OJT 
      • CT and CET  

Refer to Chapter 4, Part 2. Youth Program Activities and Attachments for guidance on all WIOA youth program activities. 

Refer to Chapter 5. CalJOBS Data Entry Policies and Procedures for guidance on required data entry policies and procedures for both WIOA Youth and Dislocated Worker. 

5. DYWIC Training Tracking 

YSPs will be required to track training allocations and expenditures through a spreadsheet for payments of Dislocated Worker training funds for each participant. The spreadsheet will allow YSPs to view funding availability and track grant enrollment requirements. The spreadsheet will be available under the Partner Resources page – Youth Resources. 

DYWIC Performance 

All participants of the DYWIC grant will be subject to both WIOA Youth and Dislocated Worker performance. 

DYWIC Youth Performance 

DYWIC Dislocated Worker Performance 

50 enrollments 

50 enrollments 

75% Placement (2nd and 4th quarters) 

75% Placement (2nd and 4th quarters) 

*67% Credential Attainment 

*67% Credential Attainment 

*60% Measurable Skills Gain 

*60% Measurable Skills Gain 

$4,000 Median Earnings 

$4,000 Median Earnings 

* When applicable to services provided 


Effective August 16, 2021, Subrecipient may begin enrolling DYWIC eligible participants. The grant has a tentative end date of June 30, 2022 with an option to extend to September 30, 2022. 

This Policy will be amended with any guidance or directive from EDD throughout the duration of the grant. 

Questions & Contact 

If you have any feedback or questions regarding this issuance, contact your Program Specialist and copy Crystal Gunter, 

For assistance with ITAs and ATAs contact Joshua Limones, 

For assistance with OJTs and CTs contact Holly Childs, and Xavier Martinez, 

For assistance with CETs contact Daniella Molina, 

For assistance with Dislocated Worker Eligibility contact the Career Center Eligibility Specialists: Roman Delgado, or Amber Villanueva,