Operations Issuance: 2021-04
Issuance Number: 2021-04
Date: July 13, 2021
To: SDWP Youth Service Provider (YSP) Subrecipients
From: Shaina Gross, VP of Client Services
Subject: Operations Manual Update: Chapter 4. Part 2 & Attachments
This operations issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (SDWP) subrecipients of changes to the Operations Manual: Chapter 4, Part 2 – WIOA Youth Program Activities. Updates to the chapter and attachments were made to align with the implementation of Workforce e-File and recent Request for Proposals (RFP) solicitation and response.
Below is a summary of updates. Subrecipient should review the referenced chapter and the attachments for details.
Chapter Updates
- References to participant file were updated to reflect electronic files (eFile)
- Most sections were updated to reflect changes, additions and updates from the RFP
- Additional sections were updated for clarity
- Work Experience documentation process includes Workforce eFile
- Individual Service Strategy (ISS) must be updated at minimum every 30 days or sooner to record updates to participant goals. A new activity code must be opened each time updates are made to the ISS.
- Policy on utilizing training funds for ITAs, ATAs, CETs, CTs, and OJTs was updated to include reference to Chapter 4, Part 1: Attachments
Chapter Additions
- Section II-D – Required Staffing and Descriptions
- Section III-C – WIOA Youth Program Tracks
- Section IV-B – Basic and Essential Skills Training
- Section VI-I – Enhanced and Impact Performance
Attachment Updates
The following attachments were updated:
- Participant Evaluation & Progress Report Form
The following attachments were added:
- Basic and Essential Skills Training (BEST)
- WIOA Youth Program Tracks
The following attachments were removed:
- Corrective Action Plan (Moved to Salesforce)
- Quarterly Narrative Report (Moved to Salesforce)
- Youth Participant File Monitoring Checklist (moved to Chapter 8)
Effective July 15, 2021 all training providers are required to follow the updated policies and procedures in the chapter indicated above. Subrecipients and staff are required to review the entire Chapter and Attachments.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this issuance, contact your Program Specialist.
- To access the chapters and their attachments, go to workforce.org and click on the collapsed menu icon located on the top right-hand side of the webpage.
- Click on “Operations Resources” section.
- Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of chapters and operational issuances.
- Click on “Chapter 4. Part 2: WIOA Youth Eligibility | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.