Operations Issuance: 2020-22
Issuance Number: 2020-22
Date: July 15, 2020
To: Workforce Partnership WIOA Subrecipients
From: Shaina Gross, Director of Programs
Subject: Operations Manual Update: Chapter 4. Part 1: WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities & Attachments
This operations issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (SDWP) subrecipients of changes to the Operations Manual: Chapter 4. Part 1: WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities.
Updates to the chapter and attachments were made to align with the implementation of the Workforce e-File and
Summary of Updates:
Below is a summary of updates. Subrecipients should review the references chapter and the attachments for detail.
Chapter Updates
- Reformatting of the chapter, including logo, fonts, colors scheme, and layout
- Reorganized structure and flow – sections were moved, changed, or deleted
- Updating links and references to current TEGL’s (DOL) and EDD Directives
- References to participant file were updated to reflect electronic files (eFile)
- Updates were made to reflect the new workforce eFile requirement for eligibility documentation and the document manager in CalJOBS for programmatic documentation
- Updates to Section I. Introduction
- Collection of Medical information
- Process was updated to require forms/documents to be marked “Yes” in the Workforce eFile, which will lock the file, or if the forms/documents are uploaded into CalJOBS, the PII file would remain secure.
- Collection of Medical information
- Updates to Section II. Program Components
- Access & Locations
- Added requirement for online access
- Business Services
- Added reference to new SDWP Operations Manual Chapter 11. Business Services Program Activities
- Access & Locations
- Updates to Section III. Program Services
- Objective Assessment Summary
- Process was updated – references to OAS activity code were changed to OA activity code
- Individual Employment Plan
- Process was divided into three sections – Initial Development, Updates to Goals/Objectives and Completion of IEP/ISS
- Verification of Right to Work
- Process for collecting and documenting verification of right to work was updated
- Objective Assessment Summary
- Updates to Section IV. Case Management
- Participan E-File Content
- Updates to Intake Documentation: new requirement to use the “Document Bin” in the participants Workforce eFile
- Updates to Program Documentation and Closure Documentation – new requirement to use the “Document Manager” and/or the “Verify” links in CalJOBS to upload proper documentation into the participants CalJOBS case file
- Dual and Co-Enrollments
- Process was updated to align with the new process in the Workforce eFile.
- Participan E-File Content
- Updates to Section V. Performance
- Credential attainment
- process was updated – documentation must be kept in the participants case file in CalJOBS
- process was updated – documentation must be kept in the participants case file in CalJOBS
- Effectiveness of Serving Employers
- Added reference to new SDWP Operations Manual Chapter 11. Business Services Program Activities
- Credential attainment
Adult and DW Attachment Updates
- Adult and DW Participant File Monitoring Checklist
- Updated to align with policy updates
- Customized Training and Contracted Education Training Policies and Procedures
- Reorganized structure and flow – sections were moved, changed, or deleted
- Updated employer match requirement
- Added conflict of interest statement
- Removed reference to higher in demand (we are moving to in demand only which will include both HID and ID)
- ETPL, ITA and ATA Policies and Procedures
- Reorganized structure and flow – sections were moved, changed, or deleted
- Sections were updated based on continued eligibility and the State Policy
- Refund policy was added
- Updated the ATA/ITA process to reflect the new IFT process
- Discontinuance and void process was updated
- Exhibit – HID and ID Jobs has been renamed In-Demand Jobs List, which also includes new data
- CAP for ITA and ATA is now $5,000
- Only Apprenticeships that do not meet the in-demand criteria will have a cap of $3,000
- On-the-Job Policy and Procedures
- Reorganized structure and flow – sections were moved, changed, or deleted
- Added conflict of interest statement
- Removed reference to higher in demand (we are moving to in-demand only which will include both HID and ID)
- Exhibit – OJT Agreement Packet was updated to include ER NDWG on the agreement number sequence and reimbursement option
- Exhibit – OJT Invoice was updated to include ER NDWG on the agreement number sequence and reimbursement option
- Request for Dual-Enrollment
- Form is no longer fillable – must be completed in the Workforce eFiIe
- Supportive Services Policy and Procedures
- Policy and procedures were updated to align with Operations Issuance: 2020-10
Special Project Attachment Updates
- Reentry Works Program Policy and Procedures
- Requirement for Subrecipient to comply with internal supportive services policy
- Requirement for Subrecipient to follow internal stipend policy
- P2E Certification and Review Form for all participants upon enrollment
- New program attachment
Effective July 20, 2020 all Subrecipients are required to follow the guidelines outlined in the updated Chapter and attachments. This issuance replaces and supersedes the chapter and attachments. If you have any questions regarding this issuance, please contact your Contract Administrator (619) 228-2900.
- To access the chapters and their attachments, go to workforce.org and click on the collapsed menu icon located on the top right-hand side of the webpage.
- Click on “Operations Resources” section.
- Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of chapters and operational issuances.
- Click on “Chapter 4. Part 1: WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.