Issuance Number: 2020-07

Date: March 15, 2020

To: Workforce Partnership Subrecipients & Workforce Partnership Direct Services Staff

From: Andrew Picard, Chief Program Officer

Subject: COVID-19 Operational Directive


The arrival of COVID-19 will have profound impacts not only on public health, but also on the economy.  A pandemic is a factor beyond the control of individual workers, so it is critical at this time that we come together to support those who may lose their jobs or be economically impacted – while at the same time taking every precaution to protect ourselves and the health of our community.

Early and proactive measures mean we will be ready to serve San Diegans with the economic hardships and unemployment to follow this health crisis.


Effective immediately the Workforce Partnership requires all program providers and all direct services staff take the following measures:

  1. Take every possible measure to shift previous in-person services to remote (over
    the phone, text message, e-mail, or otherwise online) offerings, for example:
    a. Meetings with clients should be conducted remotely (over the phone, through video conference, or online).
    b. Training workshops and orientations should be conducted via Zoom or GoToWebinar platforms.
    c. Career assessments like Career Scope can be utilized from home via email.
    d. Orientations to services can be done remotely.
  2. Suspend or postpone all in-person meetings or events, including training
    workshops and hiring events, through April 6, 2020. This date may change as we
    continue to reevaluate the situation.
  3. Staff meetings and staff travel between locations should be conducted remotely.
  4. Postpone all work-related travel until further notice.
  5. Distribute to all staff the Attachment: Unemployment and Disability Information
    and other State Benefits for Those Impacted by COVID-19 (see below), become
    familiar with its content, and promote this information throughout your networks.
  6. Stay updated on the latest Workforce Partnership COVID-19 related information
    by regularly reviewing

We are committed to helping providers maintain the highest level of service possible in this difficult time. This includes plans for the expansion of online workforce services. We ask that all providers stay in constant contact with Workforce Partnership on the latest offerings that can be conducted virtually so we can share with our partners at large.

We recognize many providers have questions related to what this means for grant performance deliverables. The Workforce Partnership is actively working with our grantors to establish what exceptions for performance during this period may be applicable.


If you have health-related questions or concerns, contact your healthcare provider.

For general questions about COVID-19 or information about community resources, call
211 at

For general information about COVID-19 in San Diego County, visit

Attachment – Unemployment and Disability Information and other State Benefits for Those Impacted by COVID-19

For all other questions, please contact your Manager and/or the staff Program Specialist assigned to your program.


Thank you,
Andrew Picard
Chief Program Officer
San Diego Workforce Partnership