Operations Issuance: 2020-02
Issuance Number: 2020-02
Date: January 31, 2020
To: SDWP Subrecipients
From: Andrew Picard, VP of Programs
Subject: Operations Manual Update: Chapter 4. Part 2: Youth Program Activities & Attachments
This operations issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (SDWP) subrecipients of changes to the Operations Manual: Chapter 4. Part 2: WIOA Youth Program Activities.
Updates to the chapter were made per the following:
- DOL Monitoring of Programs
- EDD Monitoring of Programs
- SDWP Internal Monitoring
- CalJOBS Conference
- EDD Directives
- EDD Info Notices
Summary of Updates:
Below is a summary of updates. Subrecipients should review the references chapter and the attachments for detail.
Chapter Updates
- Reformatting of the chapter, including logo, fonts, colors scheme, and layout
- Reorganized structure and flow – sections were moved, changed, or deleted
- Updating links and references to current TEGL’s (DOL) and EDD Directives
- Tracking requirements for CalJOBS data entry changed from 5 business days to 7 calendar days, per “Late Data Entry” policy
- Updated right to work verification process – Right to Work may only be verified when a service triggers participation in an employment activity. Right to work verification was removed from WIOA Adult and DW Eligibility (Chapter 7) and relocated to Adult and DW Program Activities (Chapter 4).
- Pathway to Services WSD18-03
- Subrecipients must mark all applicable barriers on the OAS
- OAS process was updated
- Creating & closing activity codes on the same day (cannot be left open)
- Case notes will include the status of the OAS
- If dual-enrolled, only the original provider needs to complete an OAS. May be updated by the requesting (second) provider as necessary. There should only be one OAS per WIOA application
- The ISS must demonstrate the participant’s progress in the program and provide written documentation of how the goals and objectives are tied to the services and activities provided
- ISS process was updated
- Creating & closing activity codes on the same day (cannot be left open)
- ISS must be updated every 3 months, or sooner, to document any progress made on the goals/objectives or to include a new service or activity
- If dual-enrolled, only the original provider needs to create an ISS. Must be updated by the requesting (second) provider, including all information from the Dual-Enrollment form. There should only be one ISS per WIOA application
- Updates to supportive services policies
- For bus passes purchased, either individual or in bulk, a copy of the purchase receipt with the purchase date and total(s) must be kept in the participant file. The serial number should be highlighted or circled on the receipt
- Clarification of incentives and stipends
- Work experiences must include an employer evaluation
- Dual-Enrollment Process
- The requesting provider must provide a copy of the approved form to the original service provider. Both providers must keep a copy of the form in the participant’s file.
- Planned Break in Service was removed
- Unable to Contact or Elects No Longer to Participate policy was added
- Includes process during participation and in follow up
- Addition of program closure policy
- Addition and clarification of follow up requirements and documentation
- Performance criteria and policies were updated
- Definitions
- Employment (Placement)
- Five types of placements allowed for youth participants
- Median Earnings
- Credential Attainment
- Process for Credential Verification and the Credential Verification Tool
- Additional acceptable documentation
- Effectiveness Serving Employers
- Retention with the same employer
- Repeat business customers
- Global exclusions changed to “Exclusionary Exits”
Attachment Updates
No changes were made to the content in the attachments
- Reformatting of the attachments, including logo, fonts, colors scheme, and layout
- Youth Participant File Monitoring Checklist has been updated to align with policy updates
Effective February 3, 2020 all training providers are required to follow the updated policies and procedures in the chapter indicated above. Subrecipients and staff are required to review the entire Chapter and Attachments.
Note: Per the changes to the policy on ISS updates, if a participant has not had an ISS update within the last three (3) months, the Subrecipient must provide an update to the ISS within thirty (30) days of this issuance to avoid any programmatic findings.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this issuance contact your Contract Administrator.
- To access the chapters and their attachments, go to workforce.org and click on the collapsed menu icon located on the top right hand side of the webpage.
- Click on “Operations Resources” section.
- Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of chapters and operational issuances.
- Click on “Chapter 4. Part 2: Youth Program Activities | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.