Issuance Number: 2019-09

Date: November 2, 2018

To: SDWP Subrecipients

From: Vicki Brannock, Director of Programs

Subject: Operations Manual Update: Chapter 4. Part 1: WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities & Attachments


The purpose of this issuance is to notify SDWP Subrecipients of revisions and/or additions to the following policies: Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities:

Significant changes have been made to the above chapter and attachments including but not limited to:

  • Policy Updates and Clarifications:
    • Attachment – ETPL, ITA and ATA Policies and Procedures
      • Exhibit – Training Agreement
        • The form was updated to match the field on the San Diego ETPL List
      • Exhibit – List of In-Demand/Higher In-Demand Jobs
        • Additional SOC codes were added to replace codes that had no matching occupations on ONet
        • SOC Codes ending in “99, All Other” were clarified with listed occupations included under that code. It further clarifies that occupations with a detailed SOC code cannot be classified under “99, All other” to meet the ID/HID criteria. The SOC codes must match the program/course description and occupation.
        • SOC Codes were updated including a “xx” in the number, denoting the occupation includes any code that preceded with the same digits can be used under that ID/HID
        • Formatting was changed
    • Attachment – On-the-Job Training Policy and Procedures was updated to include verification of participating employer as active prior to entering into an OJT
      • Exhibit – On-the-Job Training Agreement Packet
        • Language was included to ensure employer issues wages to employees in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and that they adhere to all assurances and certifications outlined in the OJT Agreement Packet
        • Added an employer status verification
      • Exhibit – On-the-Job Training Invoice
        • Formatting was changed


Effective November 2, 2018 all Subrecipients are required to follow the guidelines outlined in the updated Chapter and attachments. This issuance replaces and supersedes the chapter and attachments. If you have any questions regarding this issuance, please contact your Contract Administrator (619) 228-2900.



  1. To access the chapter and its attachments, reference the “About Us” section on orgunder “Partner Resources.”
  2. Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of Chapters and Operational Issuances.
  3. Click on“Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.

cc:       SDWP Subrecipients; SDWP Internal Distribution; and Simpson & Simpson.