Issuance: 2019-04 – September 4, 2018
Issuance Number: 2019-04
Date: September 4, 2018
To: SDWP Subrecipients
From: Kai Jackson, Finance Director
Subject: Operations Manual Update: Chapter 8. Oversight and Monitoring & Attachments
The purpose of this issuance is to notify SDWP Subrecipients of revisions to the following policies: Chapter 8: Oversight and Monitoring, including its attachments.
Significant changes have been made to the above chapter and attachments including but not limited to:
- Frequency of monitoring (Programmatic, Fiscal, and Equal Opportunity) has changed from two (2) years to one (1) year on-site visit.
- The following attachments were updated:
- Attachment – Equal Opportunity Monitoring WIOA Section 188 Checklist
Effective September 4, 2018 all Subrecipients are required to follow the guidelines outlined in the updated attachments. This issuance replaces and supersedes the attachments.
If you have any questions regarding this issuance, please contact your Program Specialist at (619) 228-2900 and ETPL Providers send an e-mail to
- To access the chapter and its attachments, reference the “About Us” section on workforce.orgunder “Partner Resources.”
- Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of Chapters and Operational Issuances.
- Click on“Chapter 8: Oversight and Monitoring | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.
cc: SDWP Subrecipients and ETPL Providers; SDWP Internal Distribution; and Simpson & Simpson