Issuance: 2018-13 – May 16, 2018
Issuance Number: 2018-13
Date: May 16, 2018
To: SDWP Subrecipients and ETPL Providers
From: Kai Jackson, Finance Director
Subject: Operations Manual Update: Chapter 8: Oversight and Monitoring & Attachments
The purpose of this issuance is to notify SDWP Subrecipients and ETPL Providers of revisions to the following policies: Chapter 8: Oversight and Monitoring, including its attachments:
- WIOA Programmatic Compliance Checklist
- Fiscal and Procurement Monitoring Checklist
- Equal Opportunity WIOA Section 188 Compliance Checklist
- Participant Questionnaire
Significant changes have been made to the above chapter and attachments including but not limited to:
·Refresh of the chapter and attachment formatting
- Attachment – Fiscal and Procurement Monitoring Checklist was updated to be better aligned with the monitoring guide received from EDD. This checklist will be used during the fiscal and procurement monitoring of subrecipients. Training providers are not subject to this type of monitoring as review the new checklist you will see the questions have been rearranged and grouped into the following categories:
- Expenditure Reporting
- Program and Support Costs
- Training Expenditure/Work Experience Requirements
- Salary and Bonus Limitations
- Cash Management and Interest income
- Competency Attainment
- Financial Management (I and II)
- Cost Allocation
- Oversight and Monitoring of Subrecipients
- Single Audit of Subrecipients
- Debt Collection
- Matching
- Procurement Policy
- Methods of Procurement
- Property Management
- Attachment – Equal Opportunity Monitoring WIOA Section 188 Checklist is a new requirement based on EDD Directive 17-01 that requires all WIOA Title I-financially assisted programs to be monitored on an annual basis. All subrecipients and training providers are required to complete and return the attached “Equal Opportunity Monitoring WIOA Section 188 Checklist” to SDWP no later than Friday, May 25, 2018 to your Program Specialist.
- Attachment – Participant Questionnaire was added as a monitoring tool.
Effective May 16, 2018 all Subrecipients and ETPL Providers are required to follow the guidelines outlined in the updated attachments. This issuance replaces and supersedes the attachments.
If you have any questions regarding this issuance, please contact your Program Specialist at (619) 228-2900 and ETPL Providers send an e-mail to
1. To access the chapter and its attachments, reference the “About Us” section on under “Partner Resources.”
2. Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of Chapters and Operational Issuances.
3. Click on “Chapter 8: Oversight and Monitoring | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.
cc: SDWP Subrecipients and ETPL Providers;
SDWP Internal Distribution; and
Simpson & Simpson