The San Diego Monthly Employment Report (September 2015 to October 2015) shows increases in the civilian unemployment rate, employment and labor force.
The California Employment Development Department (EDD) reported a 0.4 percent increase in San Diego’s unemployment rate, from 4.6 percent in September to 5.0 percent in October. The 5.0 percent unemployment rate falls between the highest and lowest October unemployment rates in the region over the past 10 years (10.7 percent and 3.8 percent, respectively). In last month’s unemployment report, San Diego reported a decrease in labor force participation by 10,000 from August to September 2015; however, from September to October, nearly all of those workers were recovered, as 8,200 workers re-joined the labor force over the month.
The industry with the largest month-over employment gain was Government (up 7,200 jobs), along with five other industries that also recorded employment gains. Four industries recorded month-over job losses, with Leisure & Hospitality (down 4,300 jobs) experiencing the largest decline.
From October 2014 to October 2015, all industries experienced increased job growth, except Other Services and Mining & Logging. Professional & Business Services had the greatest year-over gain, adding 10,300 jobs to the region with almost 90 percent of the industry’s job growth coming from Professional, Scientific & Technical Services (up 9,200 jobs). Educational and Health Services added 9,400 jobs with 95 percent of the gain coming from Health Care and Social Assistance (up 8,900 jobs).
Month-over employment changes have shown marked improvement in San Diego County, showing greater increases from the previous month in all industries except for Leisure & Hospitality. It is likely the greater decline for Leisure & Hospitality was due to the loss of seasonal workers employed during the summer. Despite the increase in San Diego’s unemployment, it is important to note that the year-over changes continue to show job gains in a majority of industries from October 2014 to October 2015. Additionally, San Diego’s labor force grew over the month, meaning more workers are encouraged to return to the labor market.