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December 16, 2016

The San Diego Monthly Employment Report (October 2016 to November 2016) shows decreases in the civilian unemployment rate and labor force and increases in employment.

Labor market highlights for September 2016

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) reported a decrease in San Diego’s unemployment rate from a revised 4.7 percent in October to 4.3 percent in November, remaining below the year-ago estimate of 5.0 percent. 

“I am thrilled that 12,100 more jobs are available for San Diegans and to see unemployment go from 5.8% two years ago to 5% one year ago to 4.3% today,” says Phil Blair, President and CEO of Manpower Staffing/San Diego. “Retail is healthy because of a strong holiday season and there is growth in education jobs in local and state government. With that said, on my mind is how the new administration can change things drastically. The next quarter’s hiring trends will be very telling.”

The 4.3 percent unemployment rate falls below the highest November unemployment rate (10.9 percent in 2010) but remains slightly higher than the lowest November unemployment rate experienced in the region over the last 10 years (4.0 percent in 2006).

San Diego & California unemployment rates
Civilian labor force & employment numbers

Trade, Transportation & Utilities recorded the largest net month-over gain of 6,000 jobs, largely due to seasonal gains; 5,200 of these jobs came from Retail Trade and 1,100 jobs came from Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities.1 Government experienced the second largest month-over gain with 2,100 additional jobs, primarily coming from education.

None of the sectors reported month-over job losses, however Information and Manufacturing experienced no month-over job gains.

San Diego County Year-Over Job Gains & Losses

Between November 2015 and November 2016, Leisure & Hospitality experienced the greatest year-over gain, adding 7,300 jobs to the region, with 90 percent of this growth from Accomodations and Food Services (6,600 jobs). This was followed by Government (6,500 jobs) and Educational & Health Services (5,200 jobs). Manufacturing is the only sector that experienced a year-over loss with a decrease of 900 jobs. 

San Diego County continues to experience year-over gains in a majority of sectors. Additionally, San Diego’s unemployment rate remains lower than the California rate of 5.0 percent. 

1Employment Development Department (EDD)

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