The Bridge to Employment Program trains Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients and other low-income individuals in healthcare occupations. The program offers tuition assistance, personalized support, internship opportunities, and help with job search activities.
Potential career pathways include:
- High Patient Touch: Certified Nurse Assistant to Registered Nurse
- Technical Careers: Radiology technician to Clinical Lab Scientist
- Administrative Careers: Medical Billing and Coding to Hospital Administrator
Interested? Call to see if you are eligible:
Central San Diego: Comprehensive Training Systems, (619) 582-9133
North County: North County Lifeline, (760) 762-4900
South County: MAAC (619) 426-3595
East County: International Rescue Committee, (619) 641-7510
This document was supported by Grant 90FX0022 from the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HHS.
An evaluation funded by the federal government is being conducted to determine how Bridge to Employment helps people increase their skills and find jobs. There will be more applicants than spaces available in this program. Individuals who are eligible for the program and agree to participate in the study will be selected into the program based on a lottery.