On June 19th, 2013 the Department of Labor (DOL) hosted a dialogue on the challenges and potential opportunities for our women veterans.” title=”<--break-->“> The dialogue focused on the unique obstacles that women veterans face in finding meaningful employment and intentional ways to communicate beneficial employment opportunities to this demographic.
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans Employment and Training Keith Kelly summarized the effort: “At the Department of Labor, we strive to honor your [women veterans] contributions every day. We do this by putting the full weight of our department behind programs to help ensure that rewarding careers are available to veterans when they come home.”
In addition to the event, the Department of Labor has launched a new website specifically dedicated to women veteran post-service employment. Women veterans annually earn $6,000 less than their male veteran counterparts, which has prompted DOL to focus their attention on preparing these service members for careers in healthcare, entrepreneurship, and education.
As a region that is home to thousands of women veterans, the new DOL initiatives will have positive effect in San Diego and we look forward to seeing how we can continue to promote workforce development programs for our female veterans.