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Learning Summit for Postsecondary Education and Workforce Development Professionals - San Diego Workforce Partnership

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Thursday, February 09, 2023 | 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.

Location: National University, 9388 Lightwave Avenue San Diego, CA 92123

Join CAEL and San Diego Workforce Partnership for their first in-person learning summit focused on linking the public workforce systems with postsecondary education to support adult learners in navigating on- and off-ramps between education and employment.

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This in-person Workforce Development and Postsecondary Education Collaborative Summit for professionals from postsecondary education and workforce development organizations is focused on teaming up to build critical partnerships to support equitable access to skills education and training. The summit is a working retreat aimed at increasing collaboration and strengthening workforce education-training-career initiatives. 

The sessions of this learning summit will provide presentations of various research and case studies in a workshop environment. Participants will interact in large groups and team settings to explore the summit topics in the context of their own institution and organization.

Objectives for the Workforce Development and Postsecondary Education Collaborative Summit will include:

  • Exploring how workforce agencies and postsecondary education partnerships can be the anchor for training initiatives for high-demand skills, as well as meet employer needs
  • Examine how these types of partnerships support improving equity for individuals to access education and career pathways
  • Identify and explore ways to overcome barriers for individuals to access comprehensive, workforce education and training programs
  • Leverage talent development strategies:
    • Work-based learning models involving postsecondary and workforce boards
    • Linking sufficient resources so workforce education programs serve the needs of the community
    • Linking public workforce systems and postsecondary through credit for prior learning initiatives (CAEL)

Event schedule
February 9
Program: 1–5 p.m. 
Reception: 5–7 p.m.

February 10
8:30 a.m.–1 p.m.


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